如果学生觉得自己的评分不公平, the student should first seek to resolve the issue using an informal appeal that involves two steps.


The first step in the grade appeal process is to seek to resolve the disagreement with the faculty member. Students must initiate informal appeals of course grades by the end of the first week of the following semester. 在教师同意改变成绩的情况下, the faculty member must submit an “Adjustment of Student’s Academic Record” form to the Office of Academic Affairs for approval or denial. “Adjustment of Student’s Academic Record” forms are due no later than the first day of final exams of the semester in which the informal appeal was lodged. (如成绩上诉的依据是骚扰, 学生不需要与教师讨论成绩申诉. 在这种情况下 the student should notify the Office of Academic Affairs and follow the harassment policies outlined in the Student Grievance Policy.)


如果没有与教员达成解决方案, the student shall contact the chair of the department in order for the chair to seek resolution of the disagreement. If no resolution is reached by the chair, 学生可以提出正式的成绩申诉. In cases in which the faculty member involved in the disagreement is the Chair, 学生可以提出正式的成绩申诉.



Formal grade appeals for course grades are reserved for specific types of cases listed below. Simply disagreeing with a faculty member’s assessment of coursework is not grounds for a formal grade appeal. Grade appeals must be based on capricious, arbitrary, or prejudiced grading. 以下是正式成绩上诉的公认理由:

  • 学生成绩数值计算错误.
  • 不正当的学术程序不公平地影响学生的成绩.
  • Failure to follow grading criteria as outlined in the course syllabus (unless previously agreed upon by faculty member and student).
  • 由机构性骚扰政策确定的性骚扰.
  • 应用与学习成绩无关的标准, 比如性别, 政治观点, race, 性取向, nationality, 或者宗教观点, among others.


  1. Students who wish to file a formal grade appeal based on one or more of the above criteria must file a grade appeal form with the Office of Academic Affairs no later than the final day of the 5th week of the following semester.
  2. The Office of Academic Affairs will submit the form to the Grade Appeals Committee within 10 working days. 职系申诉委员会由下列成员组成:
    1. 学术政策与荣誉委员会主席;
    2. 教授任期、晋升及发展委员会主席;
    3. 体育与学生发展委员会主席.

The most senior faculty member (in terms of years of service) shall serve as the chairperson of the Grade Appeals Committee. 如果这些成员中有任何一个卷入了成绩纠纷, the Chief Academic Officer (Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty Dr. Tom Perrin)将指定一名候补教员.

  1. The Grade Appeals Committee shall review the student Grade Appeal Form to determine if there is preliminary justification for further investigation.
    1. 在找不到正当理由的情况下, the student shall be notified by the chairperson of the Grade Appeals Committee that his/her appeal has been rejected. The student may then appeal to the Chief Academic Officer (see below “成绩终审”).
    2. 在有理由进一步调查的案件中, then the chairperson shall notify the faculty member of the appeal and provide him/her with the Grade Appeal Form submitted by the student. The faculty member shall have 10 working days to respond in writing to the student grade appeal. Responses should be sent to the chairperson of the Grade Appeals Committee.
      1. 然后,职系上诉委员会将考虑所有证据. The Grade Appeals Committee reserves the right to seek additional evidence.
      2. The Committee shall notify both the faculty member and student of its decision no later than the first day of exams of the semester in which the appeal was initiated.
      3. 如果上诉被维持, the committee shall recommend a change of grade to the Chief Academic Officer. The recommendation shall be in writing and provide a brief rationale for the decision.


A student or faculty member may appeal the decision of the Grade Appeals Committee to the Chief Academic Officer. 在这种情况下, the Chief Academic Officer will review all documents and minutes related to the case and may seek additional information or evidence. The decision of the Chief Academic Officer shall be relayed to the student and faculty member. 首席学术官的决定是最终的.

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